You can find on this page the Singapore transport map to print and to download in PDF. The Singapore transportation map presents the transports network and transport zones of the transit of Singapore in Singapore.

Singapore transports map

The Singapore transport map shows all means of transportation in Singapore. This transports map of Singapore will allow you to move easily with public transport of Singapore in Singapore. The Singapore transportation map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Singapore is a major international transport hub in Asia, positioned on many sea and air trade routes. Singapore is an aviation hub for Southeast Asia and a stopover on the Kangaroo route between Sydney and London. Singapore unfair advantage lies in its small size: the ultra-efficient government has been able to put together a public transport system that makes moving from point A to point B a completely effortless task as its shown in Singapore transports map.

Most Singaporean residents travel by foot, bicycles, bus, taxis and train (Mass Rapid Transit). Two companies run the public bus transport system as its mentioned in Singapore transports map – SBS Transit ( its major competitor in Singapore's duopoly transport system is SMRT Corporation, which also operates bus, rail, taxi and other transport services) and SMRT Corporation ( is operator incorporated on March 6, 2000, as a result of an industry overhaul to form multi-modal public-transport operators in Singapore SMRT also runs the public train system). There are almost a dozen taxi companies, who together put out 25,000 taxis on the road. Taxis are a popular form of public transport as the fares are relatively cheap compared to many other developed countries.

Efficient. Convenient. Connected. These are the hallmarks of Singapore public transport system. Singapore award winning Intelligent Transport System incorporates a range of “smart” transportation technologies, including one of the world first Electronic Road Pricing Systems, real-time traffic information delivered through GPS-enabled taxis and a highly integrated public transportation system (see Singapore transports map).